Sunday, August 31, 2008

One of my previous blog

This is one of my blogs in my previous blog spot. Its outdated but I just dont have the heart to delete them. For the fact that I had such a good time watching these movies. Summer of 2007 was the best for me as I spent memorable time with my sister, friends and my cousins. So this blog in dedication to them who made my life in India reall good.

Lately, over a year and a half, we have been seeing sequels coming out at a very faster rate in English movies. From a blubbering yet a great pirate, to a green, ugly yet a very loveable ogre, and tales from wizarding world.. Not to leave out flying spideys, the gang of casino raiders back with a bang and a very different version of dying hard.. Yessir, it’s certainly a time for sequels. But, do they really live up to the expectations of us intelligent audience??
What started as a gripping adventure of a witty pirate ended (or yet to) as a stale, damp piece of bread.. You wonder whether its is still good to eat or throw it away. The plot goes off the track and at one point becomes unfathomable. My favorite is Johnny Depp too and frankly, I was so disappointed to see his slack in humor and the story revolving around the heroine. To top it all up, an intricate story revolves around the sea goddess. But what really makes the whole movie worth seeing is the final fight in the storm. The visuals were superb and no doubt, it’s the best. And, it leaves us wondering whether Will Turner comes back, to be a mortal, to be with his family(Elizabeth is shown having a son awaiting his return, which was edited in the post production). And of course, the fate of Captain Jack Sparrow!!
We next have a lovable, all-heart ogre, who hates being the king. The third installment of Shrek, CANNOT be called a children’s movie ( ppl who have seen it will know what I am talking about). The new Shrek is on a lookout for the immediate heir, having confused feelings about being a father and so in this process meets his long time nemesis, Prince Charming. Its laugh-all-the way with Donkey (my favorite!!!) and Puss-in Boots.
The boy wizard spells out success after success at the box office and with the last series of the book released we can expect “goblets of hits” in the upcoming films. But, what was amusing was that the “order of phoenix” is the shortest of the movies so far. With no time wasted on introducing the characters, the movie is taken assuming people have read the book. First timers might find it a little too bland, after having sailing through gripping CG effects in Goblet of fire. Also, a little of storyline is changed, when in comparison with the book. But, what stands out is the last half hour of amazing visual effects and the fight between Voldemort(oops, I mean You-Know-Who!!) and Dumbledore stands out. We see a matured acting of Harry Potter, especially when Voldemort (did I say his name again?) tries to possess Harry’s mind. Definitely worth seeing, if you are potty about Potter!!
Who can’t forget, our neighborhood hero boy, the one who sheds his true identity to become Spiderman. Very much to our disappointment, we find that Mary Kate and spidey are not yet married. The movie starts rapidly pacing through, giving various troubles to spidey from aliens to Sandman. Frustratingly the movie still does not close with their engagement or marriage. Lets see what the next spidey has to offer!!
Die-Hard- breaks all its previous counterparts. It’s slick, urban and that’s what it is made out of. It definitely breaks all the barriers. I am not going to reveal anything after this. You gotta definitely see it. I assure you, Bruce Willis, lives up to his “Die Hard” name and fame.
One more movie, on the lines of new technology is Ocean’s 13. The plot is complicated, the challenge is bigger this time(try artificial intelligence) and the big enemy is Al Pacino.. and oh boy!! Do the 13 get their revenge. Surprisingly very good compared to ocean’s 12.
Well, I guess that’s about the sequels. Rush Hour 3 and High School Musical are waiting to be reviewed. Till, next time, happy watching movies!!

My first

Its been quite some time since I appeared at the blogging community. After my "passing milestones" passed away (bad joke), I had to create another blog page. Which is good in a way because I get to choose a different name!! This time its not philosophical but rather its related to my pen name "toydoll". Its named so coz mostly because: one, i was bored with philosophy and second, its from my perspective. Of course, people are welcome to comment (but the blogs aint gonna change. Why? Because guess what, its "toydoll speaks"!! JK).
So friends, fellow bloggers and people, welcome to my blog.